Wednesday, July 31, 2019

Night World : Huntress Chapter 11

Hey, Morgead!† the voice was shouting even as the door went slamming and crashing open, sticking every few inches because it was old and warped and didn't fit the frame anymore. Jez had jerked around at the first noise. The connection between her and Morgead was disrupted, although she could feel faint echoes of the silver thread, like a guitar string vibrating after it was strummed. â€Å"Hey, Morgead-â€Å" â€Å"Hey, you still asleep-?† Several laughing, raucous people were crowding into the room. But the yelling stopped abruptly as they caught sight of Jez. There was a gasp, and then silence. Jez stood up to face them. She couldn't afford to feel tired anymore; every muscle was lightly tensed, every sense alert She knew the danger she was in. Just like Morgead, they were the flotsam and jetsam of the San Francisco streets. The orphans, the ones who lived with indifferent relatives, the ones nobody in the Night World really wanted. The forgotten ones. Her gang. They were out of school and ready to rumble. Jez had always thought, from the day she and Morgead began picking these kids up, that the Night World was making a mistake in treating them like garbage. They might be young; they might not have families, but they had power. Every one of them had the strength to be a formidable opponent. And right now they were looking at her like a group of wolves looking at dinner. If they all decided to go for her at once, she would be in trouble. Somebody would end up getting killed. She faced them squarely, outwardly calm, as a quiet voice finally broke the silence. â€Å"It's really you, Jez.† And then another voice, from beside Jez. â€Å"Yeah, she came back,† Morgead said carelessly. â€Å"She joined the gang again.† Jez shot him the briefest of sideways glances. She hadn't expected him to help. He returned the look with an unreadable expression. â€Å". . . she came back?† somebody said blankly. Jez felt a twinge of amused sympathy. â€Å"That's right,† she said, keeping her face grave. â€Å"I had to go away for a while, and I can't tell you where, but now I'm back. I just fought my way back in-and I beat Morgead for the leadership.† She figured she might as well get it all over with at once. She had no idea how they were going to react to the idea of her as leader. There was another long moment of silence, and then a whoop. A sound that resembled a war cry. At the same instant there was a violent rush toward Jez-four people all throwing themselves at her. For a heartbeat she stood frozen, ready to fend off a four-fold attack. Then arms wrapped around her waist. â€Å"Jez! I missed you!† Someone slapped her on the back almost hard enough to knock her down. â€Å"You bad girl! You beat him again?† People were trying to hug her and punch her and pat her all at once. Jez had to struggle not to show she was overwhelmed. She hadn't expected this of them. â€Å"It's good to see you guys again,† she said. Her voice was very slightly unsteady. And it was the truth. Raven Mandril said, â€Å"You scared us when you disappeared, you know.† Raven was the tall, willowy one with the marble-pale skin. Her black hair was short in back and long in front, falling over one eye and obscuring it. The other eye, midnight blue, gleamed at Jez. Jez allowed herself to gleam back, just a bit. She had always liked Raven, who was the most mature of the group. â€Å"Sorry, girl.† â€Å"I wasn't scared.† That was Thistle, still hugging Jez's waist. Thistle Galena was the delicate one who had stopped her aging when she reached ten. She was as old as the others, but tiny and almost weightless. She had feathery blond hair, amethyst eyes, and little glistening white teeth. Her specialty was playing the lost child and then attacking any humans who tried to help her. â€Å"You're never scared,† Jez told her, squeezing back. â€Å"She means she knew you were all right, wherever you were. I did, too,† Pierce Holt said. Pierce was the slender, cold boy, the one with the aristocratic face and the artist's hands. He had dark blond hair and deep-set eyes and he seemed to carry his own windchill factor with him. But just now he was looking at Jez with cool approval. â€Å"I'm glad somebody thought so,† Jez said, with a glance at Morgead, who just looked condescending. â€Å"Yeah, well, some people were going crazy. They thought you were dead,† Valerian Stillman put in, following Jez's look. Val was the big, heroic one, with deep russet hair, gray-flecked eyes, and the build of a linebacker. He was usually either laughing or yelling with impatience. â€Å"Morgead had us scouring the streets for you from Daly City to the Golden Gate Bridge-â€Å" â€Å"Because I was hoping a few of you would fall off,† Morgead said without emotion. â€Å"But I had no such luck. Now shut up, Val. We don't have time for all this class-reunion stuff. We've got something important to do.† Thistle's face lit up as she stepped back from Jez. â€Å"You mean a hunt?† â€Å"He means the Wild Power,† Raven said. Her one visible eye was fixed on Jez. â€Å"He's told you already, hasn't he?† â€Å"I didn't need to tell her,† Morgead said. â€Å"She already knew. She came back because Hunter Red-fern wants to make a deal with us. The Wild Power for a place with him after the millennium.† He got a reaction-the one Jez knew he expected. Thistle squeaked with pleasure, Raven laughed huskily, Pierce gave one of his cold smiles, and Val roared. â€Å"He knows we've got the real thing! He doesn't wanna mess with us!† he shouted. â€Å"That's right, Val; I'm sure he's quaking in his boots,† Morgead said. He glanced at Jez and rolled his eyes. Jez couldn't help but grin. This really was like old times: she and Morgead trading secret looks about Val. There was a strange warmth sweeping through her-not the scary tingling heat she'd experienced with Morgead alone, but something simpler. A feeling of being with people who liked her and knew her. A feeling of belonging. She never felt that at her human school. She'd seen things that would drive her human classmates insane even to imagine. None of them had any idea of what the real world was like-or what Jez was like, for that matter. But now she was surrounded by people who understood her. And it felt so good that it was alarming. She hadn't expected this, that she would slip back into the gang like a hand in a glove. Or that something inside her would look around and sigh and say, â€Å"We're home.† Because I am not home, she told herself sternly. These are not my people. They don't really know me, either†¦. But they don't have to, the little sigh returned. You don't ever need to tell them you're human. There's no reason for them to find out. Jez shoved the thought away, scrunched down hard on the sighing part of her mind. And hoped it would stay scrunched. She tried to focus on what the others were saying. Thistle was talking to Morgead, showing all her small teeth as she smiled. â€Å"So if you've got the terms settled, does that mean we get to do it now? We get to pick the little girl up?† â€Å"Today? Yeah, I guess we could.† Morgead looked at Jez. â€Å"We know her name and everything. It's Iona Skelton, and she's living just a couple buildings down from where the fire was. Thistle made friends with her earlier this week.† Jez was startled, although she kept her expression relaxed. She hadn't expected things to move this fast. But it might all work out for the best, she realized, her mind turning over possibilities quickly. If she could snatch the kid and take her back to Hugh, this whole masquerade could be over by tomorrow. She might even live through it. â€Å"Don't get too excited,† she warned Thistle, combing some bits of grass out of the smaller girl's silk-floss hair. â€Å"Hunter wants the Wild Power alive and unharmed. He's got plans for her.† â€Å"Plus, before we take her, we've got to test her,† Morgead said. Jez controlled an urge to swallow, went on combing Thistle's hair with her fingers. â€Å"What do you mean, test her?† Td think that would be obvious. We can't take the chance of sending Hunter a dud. We have to make sure she is the Wild Power.† Jez raised an eyebrow. â€Å"I thought you were sure,† she said, but of course she knew Morgead was right. She herself would have insisted Hugh find a way to test the little girl before doing anything else with her. The problem was that Morgead's testing was likely to be †¦ unpleasant. â€Å"I'm sure, but I still want to test her!† Morgead snapped. â€Å"Do you have a problem with that?† â€Å"Only if it's dangerous. For us, I mean. After all, she's got some kind of power beyond imagining, right?† â€Å"And she's in elementary school. I hardly think she's gonna be able to take on six vampires.† The others were looking back and forth between Morgead and Jez like fans at a tennis match. â€Å"It's just as if she never left,† Raven said dryly, and Val bellowed laughter while Thistle giggled. â€Å"They always sound so-married,† Pierce observed, with just a tinge of spite to his cold voice. Jez glared at them, aware that Morgead was doing the same. â€Å"I wouldn't marry him if every other guy on earth was dead,† she informed Pierce. â€Å"If it were a choice between her and a human, I'd pick the human,† Morgead put in nastily. Everyone laughed at that. Even Jez. The sun glittered on the water at the Marina. On Jez's left was a wide strip of green grass, where people were flying huge and colorful kites, complicated ones with dozens of rainbow tails. On the sidewalk people were Rollerblading and jogging and walking dogs. Everybody was wearing summer clothing; everybody was happy. It was different on the other side of the street. Everything changed over there. A line of pinky-brown concrete stood like a wall to mark the difference. There was a high school and then rows of a housing project, all the buildings identically square, flat, and ugly. And on the next street beyond them, there was nobody walking at all. Jez let Morgead take the lead on his motorcycle as he headed for those buildings. She always found this place depressing. He pulled into a narrow alley beside a store with a dilapidated sign proclaiming â€Å"Shellfish De Lish.† Val roared in after him, then Jez, then Raven with Thistle riding pillion behind her, and finally Pierce. They all turned off their motors. â€Å"That's where she lives now; across the street,† Morgead said. â€Å"She and her mom are staying with her aunt. Nobody plays in the playground; it's too dangerous. But Thistle might be able to get her to come down the stairs.† â€Å"Of course I can,† Thistle said calmly. She showed her pointed teeth in a grin. â€Å"Then we can grab her and be gone before her mom even notices,† Morgead said. â€Å"We can take her back to my place and do the test where it's private.† Jez breathed once to calm the knot in her stomach. â€Å"Ill grab her,† she said. At least that way she might be able to whisper something comforting to the kid. â€Å"Thistle, you try to get her right out to the sidewalk. Everybody else, stay behind me-if she sees a bunch of motorcycles, she'll probably freak. But be ready to gun it when I pull out and grab her. The noise should help cover up any screams. Raven, you pick up Thistle as soon as I get the kid, and we all go straight back to Morgead's.† Everyone was nodding, looking pleased with the plan-except Morgead. â€Å"I think we should knock her out when we grab her. That way there won't be any screams. Not to mention any blue fire when she figures out she's being kidnapped-â€Å" â€Å"I already said how we're going to do it,† Jez cut in flatly. â€Å"I don't want her knocked out, and I don't think she'll be able to hurt us. Now, everybody get ready. Off you go, Thistle.† As Thistle skipped across the street, Morgead let out a sharp breath. His jaw was tight. â€Å"You never could take advice, Jez.† â€Å"And you never could take orders.† She could see him starting to sizzle, but only out of the corner of her eye. Most of her attention was focused on the housing building. It was such a desolate place. No graffiti-but no grass, either. A couple of dispirited trees in front. And that playground with a blue metal slide and a few motorcycles-on-springs to ride †¦ all looking new and untouched. â€Å"Imagine growing up in a place like this,† she said. Pierce laughed oddly. â€Å"You sound as if you feel sorry for her.† Jez glanced back. There was no sympathy in his deep-set dark eyes-and none in Raven's midnight blue or Val's hazel ones, either. Funny, she didn't remember them being that heartless-but of course she hadn't been sensitive to the issue back in the old days. She would never have stopped to wonder about what they felt for human children. â€Å"It's because it's a kid,† Morgead said brusquely. â€Å"It's hard on any kid growing up in a place like this.† Jez glanced at him, surprised. She saw in his emerald green eyes what she'd missed in the others; a kind of bleak pity. Then he shrugged, and the expression was gone. Partly to change the subject, and partly because she was curious, she said, â€Å"Morgead? Do you know the prophecy with the line about the blind Maiden's vision?† â€Å"What, this one?† He quoted: â€Å"Four to stand between the light and the shadow. Four of blue fire, power in their blood. Born in the year of the blind Maiden's vision; Four less one and darkness triumphs.† â€Å"Yeah. What do you think â€Å"born in the year of the blind Maiden's vision' means?† He looked impatient. â€Å"Well, the Maiden has to be Aradia, right?† â€Å"Who's that?† Val interrupted, his linebacker body quivering with interest. Morgead gave Jez one of his humoring-Val looks. â€Å"The Maiden of the Witches,† he said. â€Å"You know, the blind girl? The Maiden part of the Maiden, Mother, and Crone group that rules all the witches? She's only one of the most important people in the Night World-â€Å" â€Å"Oh, yeah. I remember.† Val settled back. â€Å"I agree,† Jez said. â€Å"The blind Maiden has to be Aradia. But what does the ‘year of her vision' mean? How old is this kid we're snatching?† â€Å"About eight, I think.† â€Å"Did Aradia have some special vision eight years ago?† Morgead was staring across the street, now, his eyebrows together. â€Å"How should I know? She's been having visions since she went blind, right? Which means, like, seventeen years' worth of 'em. Who's supposed to tell which one the poem means?† â€Å"What you mean is that you haven't even tried to figure it out,† Jez said acidly. He threw her an evil glance. â€Å"You're so smart; you do it.† Jez said nothing, but she made up her mind to do just that. For some reason, the poem bothered her. Aradia was eighteen now, and had been having visions since she lost her sight at the age of one. Some particular vision must have been special. Otherwise, why would it be included in the prophecy? It had to be important. And part of Jez's mind was worried about it. Just then she saw movement across the street. A brown metal door was opening and two small figures were coming out. One with feathery blond hair, the other with tiny dark braids. They were hand in hand. Something twisted inside Jez. Just stay calm, stay calm, she told herself. It's no good to think about grabbing her and making a run for the East Bay. They'll just follow you; track you down. Stay cool and you'll be able to get the kid free later. Yeah, after Morgead does his little â€Å"test.† But she stayed cool and didn't move, breathing slowly and evenly as Thistle led the other girl down the stairs. When they reached the sidewalk, Jez pressed the starter button. She didn't say â€Å"Now!† She didn't need to. She just peeled out, knowing the others would follow like a flock of well-trained ducklings. She heard their engines roar to life, sensed them behind her in tight formation, and she headed straight for the sidewalk. The Wild Power kid wasn't dumb. When she saw Jez's motorcycle coming at her, she tried to run. Her mistake was that she tried to save Thistle, too. She tried to pull the little blond girl with her, but Thistle was suddenly strong, grabbing the chain-link fence with a small hand like steel, holding them both in place. Jez swooped in and caught her target neatly around the waist. She swooped the child onto the saddle facing her, felt the small body thud against her, felt hands clutch at her automatically for balance. Then she whipped past a parked car, twisted the throttle to get a surge of speed, and flew out of there. Behind her, she knew Raven was snagging Thistle and the others were all following. There wasn't a scream or even a sound from the housing project. They were roaring down Taylor Street. They were passing the high school. They were making it away clean. â€Å"Hang on to me or you'll fall off and get hurt!† Jez yelled to the child in front of her, making a turn so fast that her knee almost scraped the ground. She wanted to stay far enough ahead of the others that she could talk. â€Å"Take me back home!† The kid yelled it, but not hysterically. She hadn't shrieked even once. Jez looked down at her. And found herself staring into deep, velvety brown eyes. Solemn eyes. They looked reproachful and unhappy-but not afraid. Jez was startled. She'd expected crying, terror, anger. But she had the feeling that this kid wouldn't even be yelling if it hadn't been the only way to be heard. Maybe I should have been more worried about what she'll do to us. Maybe she can call blue fire down to kill people. Otherwise, how can she be so composed when she's just been kidnapped? But those brown eyes-they weren't the eyes of somebody about to attack. They were-Jez didn't know what they were. But they wrenched her heart. â€Å"Look-Iona, right? That's your name?† The kid nodded. â€Å"Look, Iona, I know this seems weird and scary- having somebody just grab you off the street. And I can't explain everything now. But I promise you, you're not going to get hurt. Nothing's going to hurt you-okay?† â€Å"I want to go home.† Oh, kid, so do I, Jez thought suddenly. She had to blink hard. Tm going to take you home-or at least someplace safe,† she added, as honesty unexpectedly kicked in. There was something about the kid that made her not want to lie. â€Å"But first we've got to go to a friend of mine's house. But, look, no matter how strange all this seems, I want you to remember something. I won't let you get hurt. Okay? Can you believe that?† â€Å"My mom is going to be scared.† Jez took a deep breath and headed onto the freeway. â€Å"I promise I won't let you get hurt,† she said again. And that was all she could say. She felt like a centaur, some creature that was half person and half steel horse, carrying off a human kid at sixty miles an hour. It was pointless to try to make conversation on the freeway, and Iona didn't speak again until they were roaring up to Morgead's building. Then she said simply, â€Å"I don't want to go in there.† â€Å"It's not a bad place,† Jez said, braking front and back. â€Å"We're going up on the roof. There's a little garden there.† A tiny flicker of interest showed in the solemn brown eyes. Four other bikes pulled in beside Jez. â€Å"Yeeehaw! We got her!† Val yelled, pulling off his helmet. â€Å"Yeah, and we'd better take her upstairs before somebody sees us,† Raven said, tossing her dark hair so it fell over one eye again. Thistle was climbing off the back of Raven's motorcycle. Jez felt the small body in front of her stiffen. Thistle looked at Iona and smiled her sharp-toothed smile. Iona just looked back. She didn't say a word, but after a minute Thistle flushed and turned away. â€Å"So now we're going to test her, right? It's time to test her, isn't it, Morgead?† Jez had never heard Thistle's voice so shrill-so disturbed. She glanced down at the child in front of her, but Morgead was speaking. â€Å"Yeah, it's time to test her,† he said, sounding unexpectedly tired for somebody who'd just pulled off such a triumph. Who'd just caught a Wild Power that was going to make his career. â€Å"Let's get it over with.†

Tuesday, July 30, 2019

Eagle Eye Movie Review Essay

In the thriller Eagle Eye, two stranger’s lives are intertwined by a mysterious, female telephone caller. Jerry Shaw (LaBeouf) returns to his apartment one day to find he has received weapons, ammonium nitrate, classified DOD documents, and forged passports. Later, Jerry receives a strange phone call that informs him that the FBI is on the way and that he needs to flee, but he refuses and is arrested. Rachel Holloman’s (Monaghan) son’s life is soon later threatened by the caller, forcing her to assist Jerry Shaw in his escape from the FBI and other mysterious deeds demanded by the caller. Unfortunately, the requests of the anonymous caller become increasingly dangerous as the FBI quickly identify Jerry and Rachel as the country’s most wanted fugitives. It becomes apparent mid-way through the movie that the female caller is using everyday technology to track and manipulate the helpless pair. Although escaping conditions are futile, Jerry and Rachel come to realize they have to work together in order to find who disrupted their lives, and prevent the diabolical objectives of the genius behind the phone calls. First and foremost, this movie is highly unrealistic. It is clearly not possible that a computer could control cranes, power lines, and traffic lights during a high-speed chase to insure that a pair of innocent civilians could escape unharmed from dozens of police vehicles. However, Eagle Eye, does more than provide wildly improbable chase scenes in its plotting. This movie shows how technology can consume us by illustrating the helplessness of Jerry and Rachel. The two could do nothing to evade the computerized, female, phone calls because not only was the anonymous woman’s presence seen everywhere, but the lives’ of Jerry and Rachel were at stake along with the lives’ of their loved ones. Turkle similarly displays that technology has the capacity to consume us when she says, â€Å"I worried whether losing oneself in worlds within the machine would distract us from facing problems in the real† (xi). This quote applies to the movie because both Jerry and Rachel are completely distracted from their personal lives while under the influence of the caller. The manipulative nature of technology on Jerry and Rachel is seen when the pair obeyed the phone call and evaded the police and robbed an armored truck. Although one could say they are submitting to the  phone caller in order to save their loved ones, they could instead do the legal thing by turning themselves into the FBI. The message that I take away from this is that technology can consume people by making it seem that giving in to to technology is the only option. Turkle suggests that humans and technology have a symbiotic relationship. This seems to be straightforward, but what I believe she thinks we should realize is not what technology does for us, but what it does to us. In Eagle Eye, once Jerry and Rachel began to refuse to respond to the woman, the effectiveness of the havoc was reduced. Turkle states, â€Å"Computers no longer wait for humans to project meaning onto them. Now, sociable robots meet our gaze, speak to us, and learn to recognize us. They ask us to take care of them; in response, we imagine that they might care for us in return† (2). I think that once Jerry and Rachel saw that they were being manipulated by technology, they realized they had to choose not to respond. It becomes apparent that technology was not really serving its purpose because it was the phone caller utilizing Jerry and Rachel, technology using the humans, an awkward irony. Simply not becoming a victim was the solution. Eagle Eye is quite the far-fetched movie to say the least. However, we can see how manipulative technology can be by looking at the accounts of Jerry and Rachel. The female caller who symbolized technological corruption showed the frightening possibilities of a not so far away technologically centered world. Turkle has similar fears and foresights and realizes that humans are subjects to the power of their devices.

Monday, July 29, 2019

Physician Assisted Suicide -Legal Aspects in Health Care Essay

Physician Assisted Suicide -Legal Aspects in Health Care - Essay Example Serious legal and ethical issues are involved in both PAS and euthanasia because of the immense value associated with human life. Some people believe that PAS and euthanasia should be allowed legally when a person is in a critical state with fewer hopes for survival. On the other hand, many people argue against it citing ethical reasons. In their opinion, only the creator has the right to take one’s life back and granting permission for PAS or euthanasia will result in misuse of such freedom by the relatives of the patients. In America, even though the Supreme Court has not taken a stand in the above issue, states have different statutes with respect to PAS and euthanasia. This paper explains the similarities and differences of the statutes governing physician assisted suicide and euthanasia. Jane Roh written on Fox news dated January 17, 2006 about the hot debate going on in America, over the practical, moral and legal issues surrounding assisted suicide even though the Supreme Court in 1997 ruled unanimously against the physician-assisted suicide. She has also mentioned that Supreme Court in 2006 supported the Oregons physician-assisted suicide law which allows terminal patients to seek the services of PAS legally (Roh, 2006). In other words, Supreme Court has not taken a clear stand yet about the legality of allowing PAS and euthanasia. Supreme Court in many instances, pointed out that PAS is not a constitutional right. But it recognized the right of a patient to refuse treatment or taking pain medications â€Å"which may indirectly result in hastened death but not involve an intent to take life† (What Is The Current Law Regarding Assisted Suicide?, 1999). In short, Supreme Court doesn’t allow direct and intentional taking of life whereas it keeps a mean ingful silence over the issue of unintentional taking of life or issues like PAS and euthanasia. In US, only Oregon State allows PAS whereas all the other states

Sunday, July 28, 2019

Attraction in Interpersonal Relationships Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 250 words

Attraction in Interpersonal Relationships - Essay Example I could say that it was her demure and reserved character, as well as her sharp mind and strong work ethic that attracted me most. She was my complete opposite when we first met, especially in terms of personality and outlook in life. She was more pragmatic, while I was more idealistic. Eventually we got used to each of our differences, but it also developed the way we were to adapt to each other. During the early years of our relationship, we had difficulty trying to understand or tolerate the polar differences between us. Some efforts led to one of us being either too distant or sensitive. I enjoyed the company of my companion a lot, but she did not feel the same level of likeness with my company, initially. As time went on, our personalities began to change towards each other’s differences. For example, my companion developed a softer and more caring personality, while I developed a more emotionally restrained and rational character. However, instead of swinging extremely to the opposite side, personality-wise, we developed a more balanced character between us. As a result, we get along better

Saturday, July 27, 2019

Professional Resources Essay Literature review Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words

Professional Development of Teacher - Literature review Example It is evidently clear from the discussion that Lefrancois’ book has detailed information on how to improve the behavior of the children within and outside of the classroom. His description of behaviorism, as well as the social learning theory, is rather explicit. Thus, these elements of reward and punishment and the effect of learning on the child’s self-esteem will greatly enhance my teaching technique and strategies.   In terms of my decision making, Lefrancois highlighted a number of key elements within the classroom environment which would warrant the need to make decisions on a timely basis. One such incident is the idea of multiculturalism within the classroom. The author highlights the fact that different cultures require different approaches in teaching and the understanding of the central concepts of the various cultures within my classroom would allow me to make better decisions for the overall improvement of each individual within the class. Lefrancois in t he organization of the text constantly points to vignettes of teachers within the field. In addition, he supplies Internet activities which may be used not only to improve pedagogical techniques but professional development as well. The second resource represents the work done by a professional in the field, a professor of a University, Stephen Davis. Davis (2007) highlights the â€Å"gap† between the work produced by researchers and its authentic impact within the walls of the classroom and the education system. He suggests a number of concerns he held with regard to teachers’ wholesale adoption of these research-based programs within their classroom context. He insists that â€Å"Good research is a road map and rarely a destination† (14). In terms of my professional development as well as my day to day teaching Davis suggestions of becoming skillful in the understanding and use of research, rudiments is a major consideration. He insists that as teachers one sh ould not wholly trust the research material because the producers of these materials may have â€Å"lost touch† (3) with the day to day functioning of a classroom. Thus, in making a decision about which research-based content to use the teacher must be thorough in investigating the source and publication of the content as well as the background of the researchers. Davis’ article contains relevant advice which would affect my teaching, decision making, and professional development, he states â€Å"one size rarely fits all† (9) thus, as a teacher I must thoroughly assess the research before attempting to utilize it within the classroom.  

Friday, July 26, 2019

Legal Based Analysis of The Leveson Inquiry Essay

Legal Based Analysis of The Leveson Inquiry - Essay Example By extension, this inquiry serves as the starting point within which a framework for regulating the media can be based and then modalities developed to handle any malpractices within the press. Although the inquiry started with a narrow area of scope, it soon snowballed into an enigma revolving around media ethics or its absence within journalism. Journalism and press are synonymous with each given their close association. It follows then that when either of them is brought into disrepute, then automatically the other one is also adversely affected. In the case of Lord Justice Leveson inquiry, a lot of dirt was dug out with regards to the rot within the British press. This rot was evidently brought by tabloid journalist s hungry for recognition at the expense of high ethical standards that have existed within British Press. On the sides, the police and the politicians turned a deaf ear to the declining ethical standards all the while assuming casual demeanour. A close scrutiny of Lor d Leveson’s inquiry1 reveals a tinge of mediocre and serious issues that affect the society at large. In large parts of the report, the matters being focussed are less serious like tabloid journalism. However, this does not in any way let the mainstream press of the hook since the rulings and recommendations will affect all forms of press across the board. One of the concerns about the report is that, it tries to compare and handle journalism like other professions like medicine or engineering. This is partly because every profession has got different ethical standards to observe and these standards are not directly transferable to other professions. To say the least, there is very little articulation about the new technologies of communication which is very similar to journalism. Take for instance someone who is blogging or posting information on the internet is more or less a reporter. There appears to be thin line between mainstream journalism and tabloids which is the foc al point of the report. First off, the mess and decline of the ethical standards within the British Press have been largely caused by tabloids and exacerbated by both politicians and police. The latter two have failed to act swift and nip the problem at the bud which has led to them being caught up and entangled within this elaborate web of decay. As a way of affirming the guilty of the tabloids and their insensibility to the reality of the matter, both the politicians and police have been apt in siding and backing up the findings of the report. However, their swift move does not exonerate them from their shortcomings and failure which they have propagated within the past couple of years. It would seem seldom sensible to act fast to mop up the rot since much of the ethical practices carried by the parties adversely mentioned in the inquiry are outlawed within the law. Some of these unlawful undertakings include; phone tapping, harassment among other equally heinous acts within the p ublic domain. Of interest in all these subtle crimes within the press and reporting sphere is the fact that despite the existence of legislations outlawing such activities, they happen unabated by the law. One of the most astounding recommendations of by the report is to replace the

Propose an Early Childhood Education Coursework

Propose an Early Childhood Education - Coursework Example It is important to note that each class will have its theme based on each child’s age and development. The daily schedule depends on the teacher and child activities. Globalization means long working hours for the parents and therefore Bright Kids Academy understands the need to offer before and after school care to such parents. The Academy will provide ample time for homework as well as life-enhancing skills and projects during the after-school program. The Academy stands out from the rest due to its mission and vision. The Academy will remain active in a learning environment while building the partnership with the employees, community, and parents in order to provide the best educational experience and a bright future for our children. It will create life-long learning inspiration through working with families ensuring that each child learns, grows, and plays in a rich and safe environment. Bright Kids Learning Academy mission is to provide every child with quality educatio n ensuring that they learn on their own and at their pace while receiving any help they need in their development. The Academy encourages play through various curriculums because it is their only work. It encourages the children to love learning while seeking their curiosity through play. Through learning, children can communicate, explore, hold discussions, and manipulate through group activities. The learning curriculum includes emotional, social, physical, and cognitive developments, and the children are our first and last priorities.

Thursday, July 25, 2019

Marketing Plan for Saigontourist travel services Coursework

Marketing Plan for Saigontourist travel services - Coursework Example The "Marketing plan Saigontourist Travel Services" describes the way in which the service quality of the tourism industry will improve. Saigontourist is a renowned organisation which is observed to deliver continuous concentration over research and development initiatives in order to introduce innovative tour packages for its customers at frequent periodic intervals. It is worth mentioning that this might be considered as a major strength of the company which can facilitate the organisation to sustain in this fiercely competitive era of globalisation in the tourism industry. For this reason, it can introduce a travelling trip named ‘Cosy Viet’, including outstanding quality of services along with experienced consultants for its customers with the intention to provide them with highly satisfactory experience of travelling to all the implausible regions of Vietnam. It is in this context that the core product in terms of ‘Cosy Viet’ and similar other tour packa ges might assist Saigontourist to attain a higher level of customers’ satisfaction resulting in the overall augmentation of its profitability and its efficiency in relation to customer relationship management. Saigontourist is a state-owned travelling enterprise which desires to attain the largest section of market share in the tourism industry of Vietnam. Therefore, the organisation has been observed to deliberately attempt towards enhancing its brand image by improving its eminence and characteristics of services offered to the target groups. 3. Moreover, the introduction of ‘Cosy Viet’ is also expected to enhance the brand equity of Saigontourist resulting in the overall improvement of its prosperity. Based on this aspect, Saigontourist can also offer the facility of a knowledge tour guide in order to offer value added services at an efficient cost to its customers. This might significantly help the customers of ‘Cosy Viet’ to attain an overall view about the culture, beauty, nature and history of Vietnam and its neighbouring areas such as Dalat-Nha Trang, Da Nang-Hue and others. This in turn is most likely to facilitate in enhancing the dependency and satisfaction level of the customers further resulting in the ascendancy of Saigontourist4. In ‘Cosy Viet’ package, the consumers can also be rendered with extra facilities namely couple passes for luxury cruise day outs, old war site touring packages, river cruising tours and trips for Indochina. Moreover, varied types of insurances c an also be offered at a reasonable cost, in order to enhance customer gratification. Hence, it might facilitate Saigontourist to augment its brand value in the long run5. Price Pricing is the second most important aspect of marketing mix. In order to enhance the corporate image of Saigontourist, it shall be highly beneficial for the organisation to follow value-based pricing techniques, at the introduction stage of its new product, i.e. ‘

Wednesday, July 24, 2019

Interview with a Librarian Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 2250 words

Interview with a Librarian - Essay Example In this paper, we try to identify the various functions and duties of the school library media specialist and make an analysis of the various standards of the duties provided in the manuals and the actual duties performed by specialists. We may gather the various duties of a media specialist in an interview one of the school library media specialists. As a first step, let us identify some of the remarkable trends in the school library media center. Unlike the school libraries of the past which were just places to avail some material and books for the assignments and other activities, the idea has now shifted towards the exciting and more beneficial concept of the school library media center. In this system, the access to information and any useful material is much higher and wide variety of format, both printed and electronic, is available which aid the new generation students in their multi layered assignment purpose and the like. The most remarkable advantage of the modern school library media centers is that they serve the students greatly and play a major role in the development of their various aspects and education. These school library media centers act as powerful agents in the various areas connected with student learning and education such as finding, analyzing, evaluating, interpreting, and communicating information and ideas. "It is where students learn to find, analyze, evaluate, interpret and communicate informat ion and ideas--skills they will need as adults to live and work in an information-based society. In addition to serving as independent learning centers, the programs of many centers are directly integrated into the curriculum" (American Association for School Librarians, 2006). The twenty first century school library media centers have various trends that make the system more effective. Before we go on to the discussion about the major duties of school library media specialists in the interview, let us analyze some of the major trends in the system. One most important among the trends is the flexibility in student spaces which gives the students ample space to work and do group activities. Possessing a teaching lab and large instructional area helps the students in various ways in their activities and works. Thus, the trend of more flexibility in student space is an advantageous development as far as the students are concerned. Another major trend in school library media center is the development in visual literacy which has great importance in the student learning activity. The development of modern technique and the growth in the teaching instruments also have proven to affect the modern student learning. Visual aids in teaching have been more extensively used in the modern times. Thus, the awareness about the LCD projectors and other visual aids is found the remarkable characteristic of the modern school library media center. Extended access to the school library media center can be considered yet another major trend in the area. Thus, the working time of the school library media center has been extended as well as the access of the students to the center widened. The time the students spend in the library and the media center has increased extremely. Therefore the usefulness of the libraries to the students

Tuesday, July 23, 2019

Virtual Organisations Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 1500 words

Virtual Organisations - Essay Example They have made a huge impact on the world of Internet and the technological manifestations which have come to the fore have stated the need for having virtual organizations in nearly all parts of the world. These are indeed the creative and innovative boutiques which have opened up at different sites and places, helped in hand by the people who want to bring out the very best within their skills and abilities, and thus contribute to the collective good of the society in the long run. The virtual organizations are being given the leverage because these have turned out to be really successful. The virtual space has meant that an online arm exists for the traditional organizations which want to engage the users more and more. They would like to have a comprehensive outlook on the part of the users, readers, customers and the like. This is something that poses an area with immense opportunities from a strategic perspective. The virtual organizations are therefore those organizations whic h are producing the best possible results through hard work and devotion, a fact that has been emphasized upon a great deal by their work ethos, results and the related attachments (Black, 2001). Nearly every organization that exists in this day and age has an online manifestation within the cyber space. These organizations want to send out a message of collective success not only for their own selves but also for the sake of the end consumers. This is something that comes out as a definite positive and one which shall harness the basis of success within the traditional organizations from the long term scheme of things. The virtual organizations are being compared to traditional ones but the most basic difference that comes to reckoning is the fact that the latter have a definitive basis while the virtual organizations are only apparent on the virtual map of the world. These differences are visible through state of the art technological regimes which are widespread in nearly all ave nues of the world (Gressgard, 2011). The virtual organizations are therefore those organizations that are bringing out the best possible results for the technological realms but whether or not these are producing the desired results is something that remains a mystery even to this day. This is because there are certain virtual organizations which are unable to strike big and that too in an easy manner. The need is to weigh the differences between the traditional organizations and the virtual organizations, and then compare the two for finding out the best between them. However the roles of these two are varied in their own respective ways. When it comes to flexibility and freedom, these virtual organizations are the best within such settings. The people behind these virtual organizations enjoy the luxury of working at their own disposal since they do not have to sit at a single location (office place) and thus work to good effect for handling the organizational tasks and routines (A bebe, 2007). What these people do within such virtual organizations is something that must be understood within the proper settings because the virtual organizations are always backed up with people who can do more work per se, and thus commit at completing small tasks and chores, all on their own. The virtual organizations need to be given the leeway at times because these are not really developed in

Monday, July 22, 2019

Effects of Teen Pregnancy Essay Example for Free

Effects of Teen Pregnancy Essay A child is like the icing on top of a cake, a finishing touch to a married couples journey on earth together. If perfectly planned and periodically monitored, a womans pregnancy will be one of the most unforgettable experiences she will ever have. To be able to carry out a safe pregnancy, the ideal age to get impregnated is from the early twenties to the early thirties. This is the time the female reproductive system is fully developed and mature enough to handle multiple activities such as the fertilization of an egg, the carrying of a fertilized egg to fetal maturity, and the nurturing of the newborn by means of milk production (Bullock 1087). Also, if the woman is psychologically ready and wanting to have a child, she will not have a hard time going through the process because of acceptance of the situation, support of the family around her and if married, the spouse’s longing to have a child with her. Unfortunately this is not always the case. The adolescent stage is the period during which the person becomes physically and psychologically mature and acquires a personal identity, from twelve to eighteen years of age (Kozier 385). The establishment of an identity is the psychosocial task of an adolescent according to Erik Eriksons Psychosocial Developmental Theory. Failure to establish an identity will lead to role confusion (Kozier 387). Role confusion poses a threat to the teenager’s social wellbeing. The teenager maybe at a loss as to what her role in society might be or what career path she would take and if she will even go to college. Adolescents are almost always experiencing a roller coaster of emotions in their search for an identity. They tend to look for people with similar preferences and would not want to be seen with other people who do not share the same characteristics as they have, they begin to idolize a person and want to be just like him or her, they become rebellious, they demonstrate forbidden behaviors, they seek attention and admiration from the opposite sex and choose their career paths. Because of the physical changers that are happening to their bodies, they tend to be curious and experimental with these changes. Adolescents are sexually active and may engage in masturbation as well as heterosexual and homosexual activity(Kozier 387). Statistics show that more than 800,000 teens get pregnant each year which places the United States as one of the highest among industrialized countries (Teen Pregnancy: Reality Check). As to why this happens, people can only speculate and come up with studies, surveys and interview. There are however identified risk factors for teenage pregnancy. These include: family situations with regular conflict between members, violence and sexual abuse in childhood, unstable housing arrangements, poor school performance, poor school attendance, low socioeconomic background, family history of teenage pregnancies, low maternal education, fathers absence, low self-esteem, Aboriginal or Torres Strait Islander and living in rural and remote areas (Teenage pregnancy some facts). Dealing with adolescent pregnancy does not only have serious physical effect, but psychological as well. The adolescent is at risk for PIH, iron deficiency anemia, preterm delivery, and cephalopelvic disproportion because her own physical growth maybe inadequate to support the growth and delivery of the fetus. PIH or pregnancy induced hypertension is the second leading cause of maternal death in the United States. This illness is a combination of hypertension, edema and proteinuria during pregnancy (Bullock 93). Iron deficiency anemia or IDA occurs when there is a considerable lower than normal amount of Iron in the blood. Iron is needed by the blood in order to effectively transport oxygen to various parts of the body. Fortunately this can be easily corrected by taking oral supplements of Iron as prescribed by the doctor (Bullock 356). Preterm delivery, which is 36 weeks of gestation or life inside the womans womb, is a serious threat for both the fetus and the mother. The normal term is 37 weeks to 40 weeks and less that that the fetus will not be mature enough to live outside the mothers uterus. The pregnant adolescents nutrition may not also be adequate enough, resulting to malnutrition. Prenatal care may also be delayed because the teenager maybe in denial, hence the fetus might not be well taken care of resulting to deficiencies and fetal abnormalities. As for the infant, he or she is susceptible to having lower birth weights, increased infant mortality, increased risk of hospital admission in early childhood, less supportive environments, poorer cognitive development, and if female, a higher risk of becoming pregnant during the adolescent period, as compared to infants born of older women (Teenage pregnancy: trends). Psychologically, a teenager is prone to postnatal depression compared to older women. Reasons for this include societal attitudes, lack of support from family and isolation, and financial pressures (Teenage pregnancy implications). There is also a tendency for the teenage mother to be abandoned by their male partners, especially during birth. Being alone in a very hard process can sometimes be the hardest thing that teenage mothers go through. Not only are their partners abandoning them, but the stigma attached to teenage pregnancy also affects the family of the teenager. There seems to be feelings of alienation from the teenagers family. All of these may add up resulting to more negative feelings towards oneself, more questioning of identity hence role confusion, wasted dreams and impossibility of going back to her education. All the emotional stress may even lead to a mental illness. Efforts are being made to lower the number of teen pregnancies. A number of organizations have been established and there are even pregnancy prevention programs for males. Education maybe the key, with these programs discussing the consequences of early sexual activities like unwanted pregnancy and sexually transmitted diseases. Contraception is strongly advocated, even sex education has been really pushed through, and sexual abstinence until marriage has been a strong banner for these programs. The family physicians or any health care personnels role is also significant. They will be able to explain and elaborate more on the nature of the consequences of sexually transmitted diseases and early pregnancy to teens. In fact, in a study entitled, Explaining Recent Declines in Adolescent Pregnancy in the United States: The Contribution of Abstinence and Improved Contraceptive Use it showed how much the pregnancy rates declined over the past 7 years. Improvements in contraceptive use included increases in the use of condoms, birth control pills, withdrawal, and multiple methods and a decline in nonuse. The overall pregnancy risk index declined 38%, with 86% of the decline attributable to improved contraceptive use. Among adolescents aged 15 to 17 years, 77% of the decline in pregnancy risk was attributable to improved contraceptive use was the result of the study by John S. Santelli, MD, MPH, Laura Duberstein Lindberg, PhD, Lawrence B.  Finer, PhD and Susheela Singh, PhD. Sharing intimacy with another person is always a personal choice. But the responsibilities that come with it are not. The freedom of having a choice comes with a price, the burden of being unprepared to raise your own child. And everything else you pick up the broken pieces after that. It matters how much strength and courage you have, how much you can carry alone. But it is important to know that life does not end when hardships begin, it’s just begun.

Why Do Children Join Gangs?

Why Do Children Join Gangs? Gang association of juveniles is the concern of researchers and field workers .Why do the youth join these gangs yet most of them are involved in criminal activities? This study aims to understand the various factors that contribute to youth gang membership. With these factors it may be possible to conceptualize a practicable plan that will effectively prevent or reduce the juveniles from joining gangs. 1.0 Introduction Currently, it is well known that the issue of street gangs, and the operations of the gang wars have been something quite common to people. What should be agreed is that there have been increases in enmity springing between a number of groups of certain people as well as personal rivalries who have been slowly by slowly taking dreadful stands or thirsty and bloody fights. This has led to an upsurge of cases and numerous instances which are comprised of gangs who are wrestling towards achievement of own supremacy and dominance over the others (Visher, 2006). Therefore, all the way from the streets to the cells and prisons, such criminal sides have been able to strengthen themselves beyond the national level to become a global issue. Having achieved that, these groups have continued to get engaged in illegal activities or actions which have seen a continued spill of blood on the side of the foes. Criminal gangs have hence become a commonplace term which has been in use to denote differ ent kinds of gang-related activities even in the major correctional centers and prison facilities (Stearns, 2009). Basically, the term gang has always been in use to stand for any kind of approach or performance that stands for any group of individuals who team up towards establishing an interest that seems to undermine the performance of a given system. In countries where majority of the gangs have been able to effectively establish themselves, it has been noted that they have been going a step farther other than protecting the members of the gangs (John, 2009). For instance, it is well known that, more often than not, all kind of gangs in a country like United States have been responsible for any kind of drugs spread across the country, and found inside the correctional centers and prisons. These individuals give the necessary modalities on how drugs, tobacco, and even alcohol are handled within the society. Furthermore, a number of observations have gone ahead to observe that these gangs have also been greatly involved in issues such as assaults, prostitution, muggings, murders and even kidnap ping (Bourdieu, 2007). Another important thing to be noted with gangs is that they do seek ways through which they will intimidate other people by pressuring forcing them to submit their resources .This research will therefore dig deeper towards understanding why the young people involve themselves with gangs and come up with useful findings which can be applied in addressing the issue reforming the youths and ensuring proper security and peace concerns in the society (Richard, 2007). 2.0 Literature Review There are various reasons as to why the youth join gangs; the reasons vary from culture to the gang itself. Gangs can replace family units for some young people and provide a sense of protection, some young people are displaced and these gangs offer a means of survival .For instance most gangs that are made of Latinos are based on members of real families. The pop culture positions gang leaders as heroes and therefore most youth want such acceptance. Poverty also forces the youth to join gangs, they want to be able to provide for themselves. Young people from minority groups tend to join criminal gangs, further most young people have social adjustment problems and are looking for a place where they can adjust without much pressure, and gangs provide a safe haven for them. 2.1 Poverty Research has shown that most of young people that are in criminal gangs come from broken homes where the single parent has to work two or three jobs just to survive. In the eyes of these children there is a sense of wanting to be rich, they are never content with there lifestyle and constantly compare themselves with the rich .Gangs propose some sense of being stable, crime offers an opportunity to have more than what they had even with the risks. In addition, the juvenile system of justice is not harsh and does not deter the youths from joining gangs. Anyone who comes from a poor background has felt a sense of hopelessness that can result from being unable to purchase wanted goods and services. Young people living in poor neighborhoods find it difficult to meet basic needs that may be physiological or psychological which can lead to a lack of self-worth and delight. The only way for these youths to earn money is to join a gang involved in the drug trade. Conditions of poverty and la ck of opportunities to improve their situations lead these young individuals to participate in gangs instead despite them knowing the risks involved. 2.2 Minority groups A minority group can be described as a group of people whose members have less power and control over society compared to members of the majority group. In America, Latinos and black Americans are considered a minority. Ethnic youth are more prone to joining street gangs in order to adapt to the way of life. Research has shown that minority groups face education disparity and therefore do not get good jobs; this cycle continues for generation and even becomes the way of life. Most children in the minority groups drop out of school, dropouts significantly diminish their chances to secure a good job and a promising future. There are certain group of people that are at a higher risk for this type of appeal; to join criminal gangs (Giblin, 2002). People who belong to minority groups, may feel left out gang up in order to experience a sagacity of belonging. Gangs time and again come up along racial or religious lanes. Teens experience trouble fitting in or have been out of favor from the mainstream social group are at risk a, as they often will seek any associations that will accept them. 2.3 Social adjustment problems Gang members time and again come from homes where they feel estranged or neglected. They may turn to gangs when their desires for love are not being met at house. There is an increased risk where there are no programmes or recreational facilities that are provided by the community as an alternative to violence. Gangs often do in reality well is provide a teen with a sense of belonging, something that every teenager craves. Teens who join gangs often describe the gang as a family, or a reliable group of acquaintances that they can lean on in every situation that they face. This social advantage is very potent it entices the teenager to join and then cements the gangs hold on the individual making it very hard to leave. Leaving the groups makes the teenager feel like he or she has lost a group of very important friends and at times feels like a traitor. 2.4 Family traditions There are various aspects of a family that increase the chances of a young person joining criminal gangs, disorganization in the family, including broken homes and parental drug/alcohol abuse .Troubled families, including incest, family violence, and drug addiction or having other. Gang members often come from homes where they feel left out and neglected and more often than not there have been cases where other immediate members of the family have been members of criminal gangs. They often turn to gangs when their desires for love are not being met at home. 2.5 Problem Statement The youth make up a very large population and therefore any illegal activity they engage in should be addressed as quickly as possible since it can easily go out of control. The occurrence of gangs has compromised societal bonding and life in our communities while going ahead to distort economic and social structures of the country and at the same time causing a lot of losses and fear within the communities. This calls for means through which the issue can be addressed and come up with better measures of addressing issues that make the youth join gangs and how to deal with the youths already in these gangs. 2.5.1 Hypotheses Gang membership enhances status among the youth. Probability of a young person joining a gang is high if they come from a neighborhood whose level of integration is low. All gang members come from poor families 3.0 Research Methodology The sample is comprised of self-identified gang members from the community, drawn using respondent-driven sampling by Heckathorn (1997, 2002). It samples individuals through their acquaintance networks. Thus, it has the ability to get to individuals who might not otherwise participate in the study using other methods of sampling. It begins by having the first participants of the study, known as seeds. Seeds then start the chain referral by recruiting a specific number of their peers who also look for their other peers to participate in the study.The process goes on until the targeted size of the sample is achieved. In this case the sample size will be very small therefore will take a very short time. Because this kind of sampling is based on networks of peers , it may give overrated results in certain subgroups especially the subgroups many people who who form big networks or networks of people who are more well-organized in recruiting. The experiment is designed in such a way that t here is no bias in order to make sure that the sample is representative of the entire population. Reports collected ensures that inclusion probabilities will be calculated. This helps in assessment of any bias that may be present in the population es, and to estimate any variabilities of indicators (e.g., standard errors). This study aims to: a. Determine if independent variable(s) Poverty, Family bonding, social adjustment problems that lead to the youth wanting to belong somewhere and belonging to ethnic minority groups have a strong correlation with the dependent variable (Joining gangs); The study utilizes qualitative and quantitative study approaches, and comprises of administered questionnaire. Since most gangs are illegal, it will be important to ensure the confidentiality of the information that will be given by the participants. There will be no real names used in the study and the participants will not be required to sign any documents. 3.1 Significance of the study The findings of this study will advance our understanding of why the youth join criminal gangs and will enlighten us on how to avoid teenagers from joining these gangs.The experiments will provide an insight on how to deal with teenagers who are already in the gangs. Youth gangs have compromised societal bonding and life in communities while going ahead to distort economic and social structures of the country and at the same time causing a lot of losses and fear within the communities. This has hence been the reason why it has been necessary to carry out a study which has been able to come up with proper findings, and which can be competently adopted towards maintaining of proper justice within our country through practical applications. Generally, all what the study will be able to come out with can be given a theoretical approach hence being able to contribute towards this fight. This shall ensure that the mutual benefits commonly noted in the streets is addressed in a better manne r and have more individuals who are responsible given the job. This study therefore holds the key for the rightful future practice in dealing with the youth gangs.

Sunday, July 21, 2019

Taiwan: Major Industires

Taiwan: Major Industires TAIWAN: MAJOR INDUSTRIES The major industries in Taiwan are electronics, petroleum refining, armaments, chemicals, textiles, iron and steel, machinery, cement, food processing, vehicles, consumer products, pharmaceuticals. We can have a look at the major industries one by one and then do an analysis on the investment opportunities on one of them. SEMICONDUCTOR INDUSTRY Taiwan has truly emerged as a global leader in the semiconductor and microelectronics industry and serves as the home of the worlds top IC foundries, Taiwan Semiconductor Manufacturing Corporation (TSMC) and United Microelectronics (UMC), which hold a majority of the market share. Taiwan is also an important player in Mask ROM production, IC packaging and IC testing, accounting for 57.1%, 32% and 36% of global market shares respectively. Taiwan-based Advanced Semiconductor Engineering Inc (ASE) and Siliconware Precision Industries (SPIL) lead the IC packaging industry, while ASE Test and ChipMOS Technologies lead the IC testing industry. Taiwans IC design industry has ranked second only to the US, accounting for 28.4% of the market worldwide. Media Tek, VIA, Realtek and Sunplus are among the top 20 IC design houses. Taiwan ranks as the worlds 3rd largest maker of DRAM components, supplying 17.1% of the market. Taiwan also serves as a key IC market, with a value of US$11 billion in 2002, representing 25.7% of the market in Asia and 8.1% of the global market. Competitive Advantage and Market Strengths Taiwan plays a major role in the global semiconductor industry, as the unique structure of its IC industry fosters close cooperation among diverse yet essential elements in the value chain, ranging from IC design and manufacturing to packaging and testing. Investment Opportunities and Market Potential The National Si-Soft Project was launched in 2003 in an effort to upgrade Taiwans IC industry from mainly contract manufacturing to RD and innovation oriented production. The project aims to make Taiwan the one-stop shop for IC designs, mix-and-match intellectual properties, manufacturing, and testing. The National Si-Soft Project is devoted to developing System-on-Chip (SoC) infrastructure in Taiwan. Specific contents of the Si-Soft Project include automation software, silicon intellectual property (IP), embedded software, and system single chip, which are all essential in IC design. New IC designs will in turn drive the development of information household appliances, photoelectricity, internet technologies, energy, communication, biological chips, and nanotechnology. The project offers various benefits such as: Providing available IP sources and a more simplified transaction flow for the IC design industry (including design services), in order to decrease the time required for IC design. Improving the competitiveness of practitioners in the system industry as they realize the system knowhow in their own SoC Effectively cultivating star IP vendors in the IP industry Attracting more customers with value-added products (more complete IP features) for chip manufacturers Allowing practitioners in the packaging and testing industries to interchange freely and learn about the most advanced technologies relevant to their field in order to further enhance their technological expertise DISPLAY AND OPTOELECTRONICS Taiwan has seen significant growth in its color imaging (CI) industry in recent years. The overall production value of the flat panel display (FPD) industry alone has increased more than twofold since 2001, totaling US$7.39 billion, of which 83.4% came from the production of large size TFT-LCD units. In Q1 2004, the islands Flat Panel Display (FPD) sales reached NT$171.3 billion (US$5.1 billion), a 115% increase on the previous year, and 2004 sales are projected to reach NT$727.1 billion (US$21.7 billion). As Taiwan manufacturers are positioned to start mass production on next generation panels (6th, 7th, and 7.5), the total production value of Taiwans FPD industry will surpass NT$1 trillion. Taiwan is currently expected to account for 41% of large-sized TFT-LCD panel supply in 2004, becoming the worlds largest production base. Major TFT-LCD makers in Taiwan, such as AU, Chi-Mei, CPT, QDI, Hannstar, Toppoly, and PVI, have contributed greatly to the progress of the CI industry. AU, which receives the majority of its funding from Taiwan, is the third largest panel supplier in the world, and is the largest producer in Taiwan. Chi Mei, the second largest producer in Taiwan, is fast approaching AU in terms of production value. Competitive Advantages and Market Strengths Over 30% of the key components for FPD, such as polarizers, backlight modules, color filters and driver ICs, are manufactured in Taiwan, and local component makers such as Optimax (polarizers), Forhouse and Radiant (backlights), Allied Material Technology, Cando and Sintek (color filters), Novatek and Winbond (driver ICs), work very closely with panel makers. These component and finished product manufacturers are clustered around the Taoyuan, Hsinchu, and Tainan areas, creating an integrated supply chain that further strengthens Taiwans position in the global IT industry. Investment Opportunities and Market Potential As Taiwan is the worlds second largest producer of panels and the market for components is quite large, the government is inviting foreign suppliers of materials and equipment to build factories in Taiwan, to enable faster and more effective product and service deliveries. Panel makers in Taiwan plan to establish G5 and G6 production lines, with the goal of becoming the leading panel supplier in the world. The government aims to generate US$40 billion in FPD production value by the year 2006. In the next three to four years, enterprises specializing in advanced components will have ample space for high growth potential. The government offers investors in the color imaging industry special tax reduction and investment incentives. Combined with a highly skilled workforce and abundant experience in the IT industry, Taiwan is the ideal destination for investment in the color imaging industry. Foreign Direct Investments in Taiwan The color imaging industry in Taiwan has grown very rapidly in the past few years. In light of an increasing demand for flat panels in the global market and strong competition, Taiwans vendors realize the importance of improving their technology and producing the right key components. The cost ratio for TFT-LCD components is quite high, with color filters at around 26% and glass substrate near 4%. Taiwans government has been active in soliciting foreign investors to manufacture these key components in Taiwan. BIOTECHNOLOGY AND PHARMACEUTICALS Taiwans concerted policy efforts to develop research, development and production capabilities in the biotech sector have paid off in creating a wealth of investment opportunities. Biotech research at Taiwans top academic institutions is gaining international attention, while development capabilities, fostered through joint industry and government support, are turning these research achievements into commercially viable products. Taiwans mature production and logistics capabilities, evidenced by its over 100 cGMP-awarded pharmaceutical manufacturers, have been widely recognized as powerhouses in this area. Goals for the Coming Decade Having established a solid foundation, the Taiwan government has designated the biotechnology industry for further development into a key industry in its Two Trillion, Twin Stars Plan and Challenge 2008 National Development Plan. Through the combined efforts of government, academia, research and industrial sectors, Taiwan is poised to become a major hub and logistics operations center for RD, manufacturing, and operations in the biotechnology and pharmaceutical industries within the Asia-Pacific region. The governments plans to promote the industry include achieving targets of NT$150 billion (US$4.34 billion) in investments and 25% annual revenue growth by 2008 and five hundred biotech-related companies within ten years. Competitive Advantages and Market Strengths Superior pharmaceutical production and manufacturing capabilities Geographically positioned close to potential markets in Asia allows for enhanced product development for Asian markets Excellent springboard for entering other Asian markets Ease of communication and reduced cultural barriers Strong venture capital and financial resources Abundance of technical specialists in organic chemistry, optoelectronics, integrated circuitry, automated systems, and other relevant fields Excellent research facilities and well-staffed healthcare organizations TELECOMMUNICATION Taiwan offers much potential in the telecommunications market, with one of the most advanced telecommunications networks in the region. High penetration rates in both the fixed-line and mobile phone sectors have encouraged growth in telecom products and services. Looking to 2004, the Ministry of Economic Affairs has announced plans to make the telecommunications industry one of Taiwans trillion dollar industries, which will nurture the development of wireless applications, 3G, and broadband services. Competitive Advantages and Market Strengths Taiwan is currently the fourth largest producer of PCs. As PC-related IC design and manufacturing technology in Taiwan have reached world standards, wireless communication and broadband communication products, related components/assemblies and systems products manufacturing technology have all been the beneficiaries of a multiplier effect. A growing number of Taiwan manufacturers boast manufacturing and marketing capabilities for research and development of xDSL, DLC, SDHH, DWDM, and cell-phone related products. If these are combined with telecommunications service capabilities of foreign companies, particularly in the area of content services, their ability to enter newly developing markets will surely stimulate a new wave of product demand. Taiwans world-class technological advantages enable it to benefit from US and Japanese RD resources. Taiwans central location in the Asian Pacific region provides ideal access to the emerging Mainland China and Southeast Asian markets and to manufacture highly-competitive communications technology products. For manufacturers advancing into newly developing markets, Taiwan remains the most advantageous base for business operations in the region. Investment Opportunities and Market Potential In order to establish Taiwan as a broadband communications technology island, the government has classified telecommunications as a strategic industry, allowing it to benefit from a host of investment and tax incentives. The Related Industries Promotion Plan is expected to facilitate the establishment of communication-oriented SoC IC design, fiber-optic components/assemblies, production facilities, software and telecommunications service industries innovation. IT product manufacturing is expected to reach its goal of surpassing US$ 30 billion by 2007. At the same time, in order to comply with telecommunications industry liberalization and national infrastructure requirements, Taiwan has in recent years gradually liberalized the 3G and wired network markets. Estimates for 2005 anticipate US$50 billion in equipment purchase orders and US$20 billion in telecommunication service industry revenues. Market opportunities are tremendous, making Taiwan the ideal investment destination for the equipment manufacturing industry and content service providers. MATERIALS AND FINE CHEMICALS The production value of the material and fine chemical industry in Taiwan has averaged approximately US$44.38 billion annually, with petrochemical materials, polymer, electrical materials and fine chemical products as major output. Taiwan is the largest producer of ABS, the second largest supplier of PTAs, and the fourth largest in PVCs, supplying the Taiwan domestic market and the worlds major markets, especially Mainland China. With a well-developed supplier chain and marketing channels all over the world, Taiwan plays a key role in many markets today. In fact, a growing number of leading companies, such as Chi-Mei, Nan Ya Plastics and Formosa Plastics in the material industry, and UPC, Dahin, Lee Chang Yung Chemical in the fine chemical industry, are emerging more visibly in the international markets. In addition, Eternal Chemical and Chang Chun Plastics in the electrical material industry, and Taiwan Shiseido, Grand Glory Biotechnology, Taiwan Sugar, and Taiwan Salt in the cosmetics industry are already well-established in their respective markets. As the IT industry becomes more competitive, Taiwans material and fine chemical industry has been focusing on semiconductors, plane display materials, print circuit boards, nanotechnology materials and other high value-added products. Investment Opportunities and Market Potentials Taiwan is home to a great number of talented RD and design people who are well-educated and possess experience with international companies, making the island more advantageous location for multinational companies to localize as part of a globalization strategy. In recent years, Taiwans IT industry has shown impressive progress the semiconductor, TFT-LCDs, and print circuit board industries are seeing dramatic growth and have reached large-scale production levels, thereby gaining strength in the international markets. The materials and fine chemical industry in Taiwan will be highly essential in supporting the IT industry and meeting its rigorous demands. The Challenge 2008 National Development Plan, a government-support project that shows a list of plans and incentives on land lease, funding, taxes, and other benefits, demonstrates the value that the materials and fine chemical industry brings to Taiwan. Taiwan has created vast opportunities for both international and domestic firms, with Mainland China as the biggest and most prominent market. With its strategic geographical location and experience in world trade, Taiwan makes the ideal center for manufacturing and market development in the Asia-Pacific region. FINANCE, SECURITIES AND INSURANCE With foreign exchanges reserves of over US$200 billion at the end of 2003, and a forecasted 4.5% economic growth rate for 2004, Taiwan continues to maintain a robust economy, due in part to government action on internationalization and liberalization policies. Competitive Advantages Market Strengths As a growing number of global industries are migrating to the Far East, Taiwan is an ideal location to establish a financial base. Multinational companies in Taiwan have access to more precise information on the Asia-Pacific region as they expand their business. In recent years, East Asia has become an important investment location for European and American countries. Taiwans stock market index is covered in both Dow Jones and Morgan Stanleys stock indices, to the benefit of foreign investors. In addition, the government has loosened restrictions on foreign capital in the Taiwan stock market, bringing more attention to Taiwans market. Investment Opportunities and Market Potential In pursuing its goal of becoming the financial center of East Asia, Taiwan is revising its financial policies to bring them to international standards. Examples of such policies include: Lifting constraints on offshore banking units (OBUs) Policies include expanding the depth and breadth of foreign currency market, and broadening the offshore banking units market and foreign currency overnight rate market to attract foreign financial institutions and enhance Taiwans position as a regional funding center. Taiwan will therefore expand its stock and bond markets, improve market regulation and efficiency, and promote the internationalization of the securities market. Foreign investors can buy and sell securities, bonds and public warrants freely without restrictions of time or location, have more versatility in managing investments, and vitalize the market. Ongoing liberalization of capital markets for foreign investors the ROC government has opened up its stock market to foreign investors with minimal restrictions. With the introduction of more financial commodities in the market and more diversified channels for funds, Taiwans capital markets are opening to increasing foreign investors, who are now allowed to manage derivative financial products instead of spot commodities. In addition, foreign capital is now permitted in the private placement market, and these newly available commodities are attracting more foreign investment. Opening the insurance market to foreign investors Fifty-five insurance companies are currently in operation in Taiwan, of which 21 are foreign-owned. Other measures to liberalize the Taiwan insurance market include: relaxing restrictions on the approval of commodities; liberalized rates; investment policies and procedures; the opening of cross-strait insurance exchanges; the promotion of risk-based capital (RBC) systems; information disclosure systems; and a certified actuary system. With monitoring of all foreign insurance companies in Taiwan to ensure compliance with policies on remuneration for Taiwan citizens, the foreign insurance industry in Taiwan can operate in a fair and reasonable business environment. In addition, with the islands excellent location and workforce, Taiwan has the potential to become the Asian insurance market hub for foreign investors. Increasing the liquidity of financial capital in the stock market The Securitization of Financial Assets Law was implemented on July 24, 2002, with the aim of improving and increasing the liquidity of financial assets, including fully liberalized foreign investments in the public and private placement of securitization of financial assets. Several domestic banks are in the process of cooperating with foreign financial institutions in this regard. According to the rules for MFN and National Treatment, foreign invested banks in Taiwan can compete on an equal footing with domestic banks. They are all granted licenses and can operate as fully-functional branches in Taiwan. In addition, as stated in the Banking Law and Financial Holding Company Law, a foreign financial institution may invest up to a 100% stake in a domestic bank. Moreover, foreign banks and financial holding companies that have sufficient experience and a good reputation can hold shares of up to 100% under their original name. Foreign financial groups may merge with Taiwans local financial institutions under the Merger Law for Financial Institutions, which has been established for the purpose of regulating the merger of financial institutions, expanding economies of scale, enhancing the efficiency of financial institutions and protecting proper competition environments. The law provides a friendly legal environment and mechanism for the operation of Asset Management Companies. Flexible government restrictions allow foreign investors to set up their operations headquarters in Taiwan to conduct multilateral trade a growing trend for foreign companies to gain a more competitive edge. ANALYSIS OF THE TAIWANESE BIOTECHNOLOGY SECTOR Taiwans biotechnology industry includes biotechnology, pharmaceuticals and medical devices. In 2003, the total annual revenue for these industries in Taiwan was approximately NT$131.6 billion, of which NT$29.6 billion came from biotechnology0.9 percent of the total global revenue-represented by 223 companies, each with an average revenue of NT$133 million. Business scope covered included genomics, drugs, diagnostics, agricultural biotechnology, environmental biotechnology, protein drugs, contract research organizations, biochips and bioinformatics. The islands pharmaceutical industry returned NT$61.4 billion,0.4 percent of the global total with 429 companies active in this sector, averaging NT$143 million per company. The medical devices industry returned NT$40.6 billion,0.6 percent of the global total, coming from 397 companies, with an average revenue of NT$102 million each. The biotechnology workforce size is 35,610, of which 7,200 are in the biotechnology industry, 14,224 in the pharmaceutical industry and 14,186 working in the medical devices industry. Status of Biotechnology Development in Taiwan (2003) Units: NT$100 million Industry Biotechnology Pharmaceutical Medial devices Total Revenue 296 614 406 1,316 Number of Companies 223 429 397 1,049 Size of work force (number) 7,200 14,224 14,186 35,610 Export value* 113 45 288 446 Import value* 120 339 425 884 Domestic sales vs. export 62:38 93:7 29:71 66:34 Domestic market demand* 303 908 543 1,754 BIOTECH INDUSTRY ANALYSIS: MICHAEL PORTERS FIVE FORCES MODEL Advantages and opportunities in Taiwans biotech industry Advantages: 1. Active and continuous efforts to build up an attractive investment environment by the government 2. Large input to investment of up- and mid-stream RD and infrastructure 3. Close bond with fast growing Asian markets 4. Sufficient domestic capital for investing from intensive partners 5. Solid foundation and experience from the past development of the electronics industry 6. Proper environment for the development of small- and medium-sized enterprises; and the diligent and aggressive entrepreneurial spirit of the Taiwanese 7. Ample biotechnology and pharmaceutical professionals based both locally and overseas 8. Relatively homogenous ethnic Chinese population, ideal for the development of an Asian-prevalent-disease-related biotech industry 9. Qualified RD personnel who are capable of establishing a knowledge economy to reflect Taiwans uniqueness 10. Advanced traditional agricultural technology to support development of agricultural biotechnology Opportunities: 1. The key industry in the governments Challenge 2008 six-year national development plan 2. The listed incentive industry among newly encouraged emerging strategic industries 3. Rising demand in better living standards in the Asia-Pacific; and growing economy and market for potential development 4. Increasing number of strategic alliances and technology transfer cases 5. RD and precision processing sectors are ready to take advantage of the growing global trend towards outsourcing in the biotechnology industry. 6. Right timing for endless business opportunities in post human gene decoding 7. High value-added, long life cycle and value chain of biotechnology; many points of entry available, from RD to marketing 8. Flourishing biotechnology RD service industries (technical evaluation, RD design, intellectual property services, and start-up incubation services) 9. Many large-sized high-quality medical centers, providing optimal conditions for undertaking clinical trials 10. Clear market segmentation from temperate zone products of advanced countries with Taiwans sub-tropical climate to develop Asian sub-tropical agricultural biotechnology 11. Plentiful related information aggregated from National Health Insurance program 12. Diseases associated with a modern sedentary lifestyle, with potential for drug and disease screening technology platforms Objective. RECOMMENDATIONS 1. Although there are a few biotech companies but all of them are small scale operators. Hence a consolidation programme can be started. 2. Since biotech is going to help pharmaceutical companies in a big way hence pharma companies can make a conscious effort to start RD centers with emphasis on biotechnology. 3. Although the government is supportive of the sector but not many FDIs have been invited. The government can specifically invite FDIs in this sector. 4. Large companies like Biocon and Brighton Research labs should be asked to set up facilities. They can be promised access to markets in mainland China through Taiwan. 5. Most of the raw materials required is being imported, so the government can devise strategies to develop auxiliary industries and make the sector self sufficient. 6. Newer and more challenging topics can be taken up to study. Like human genome sequencing which would help in determining the genetic causes for diseases like cancer and AIDS.

Saturday, July 20, 2019

Critical Analysis of The Indifferent by John Donne Essay -- Indifferen

Critical Analysis of "The Indifferent" by John Donne "The Indifferent" by John Donne is a relatively simple love poem in comparison to his other, more complicated works. In this poem, "he presents a lover who regards constancy as a 'vice' and promiscuity as the path of virtue and good sense" (Hunt 3). Because of Donne's Christian background, this poem was obviously meant to be a comical look at values that were opposite the ones held by Christians. According to Clay Hunt, "['The Indifferent'] is probably quite an early poem because of the simplicity and obviousness of its literary methods, its untroubled gaiety, and its pose of libertinism, which all suggest that Donne wrote [the poem] when he was a young man about town in Elizabethan London" (1-2). The poem "mocks the Petrarchan doctrine of eternal faithfulness, putting in its place the anti-morality which argues that constancy is a 'heresy' and that 'Love's sweetest part' is 'variety'" (Cruttwell 153). The first two stanzas of the poem seem to be the speaker talking to an audience of people, w hile the last one looks back and refers to the first two stanzas as a "song." The audience to which this poem was intended is very important because it can drastically change the meaning of the poem, and has therefore been debated among the critics. While most critics believe that the audience changes from men, to women, then to a single woman, or something along those lines, Gregory Machacek believes that the audience remains throughout the poem as "two women who have discovered that they are both lovers of the speaker and have confronted him concerning his infidelity" (1). His strongest argument is that when the speaker says, "I can love her, and her, and you and you," he first points out two random nearby women for "her, and her", then at the two that he is talking to for "you and you."   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  The first stanza begins rather simply. Donne starts every line with either "I can love" or "Her who." According to Hunt, the tone of the first stanza goes from "weary and patient entreaty" to "a climax of irritation at the end" (4) in the lines "I can love her, and her, and you and you / I can love any, so she be not true." The first eight lines simply list opposite character types, but the last two lines go to "her, and her, and you and you", then to any, "just before Donne springs the sho... ...hold.   Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  Ã‚  This poem presents a speaker that holds morals opposite the ones accepted by the greater part of society. While this poem is not incredibly complicated, it is very interesting to see how Donne spends the first 25 lines of the poem building up a convincing argument, then completely rebutting it in the final two lines. He refers to promiscuity as a vice and constancy as a virtue, using many sexual references to help illustrate his points. Donne successfully creates a character in a simple love poem that believes that there is nothing more to love than lust, and then uses his point of view to portray a portrait of love that is completely opposite of what Donne wants the reader to get from the poem. Works Cited Cruttwell, Patrick. "John Donne." Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800 24: 153. Hunt, Clay. Donne's Poetry: Essays in Literary Analysis. New Haven: Yale University Press, 1954. Machacek, Gregory. "Donne's The Indifferent." Explicator [CD-ROM] 53.4 (Summer 1995): p. 192, 3 p. Availible: Magazine Article Summaries Full Text Elite. Item Number: 951025812. McNees, Eleanor J. "John Donne." Literature Criticism from 1400 to 1800 24: 207.

Friday, July 19, 2019

A Comparison of Holden of Catcher in the Rye and Equality 7-251 of Anth

Catcher in the Rye and Anthem - A Comparison of Holden and Equality 7-251       Is it possible that two completely different authors could create two identical characters?   It seems so; J.D. Salinger's Holden, from Catcher in the Rye, and Ayn Rand's Equality 7-2521, in Anthem, appear to be one in the same person.  Ã‚   To end the oppression they received for the span of their entire lives, both Holden and Equality run from their oppressors.   Most importantly, neither Holden nor Equality live up to the expectations of others.   Holden's personality identically reflects that of Equality 7-2521 in Ayn Rand's Anthem.      Ã‚  Ã‚   Holden and Equality 7-2521 were oppressed their entire lives.   The totalitarian government that exists in Equality's society holds him down.   If it were up to him, Equality would have become an inventor in the House of the Scholars, but the Council of Vocations sends him off to become a city janitor.   When he does not comply, and continues with his experimentation, Equality is p...

Blake :: essays research papers

A rebel all of his life, Blake was once arrested on a trumped up charge of sedition. Of course, he was a complete sympathizer with the forces of revolution, both in America and France. He was a personal friend of Thomas Paine and made the American War of Independence and French Revolution parts of his grand mythology in his America: A Prophecy and Europe: A Prophecy. Blake is frequently referred to as a mystic, but this is not really accurate. He deliberately wrote in the style of the Hebrew prophets and apocalyptic writers. He envisioned his works as expressions of prophecy, following in the footsteps (or, more precisely strapping on the sandals) of Elijah and Milton. In fact, he clearly believed himself to be the living embodiment of the spirit of Milton. Most of Blake's paintings (such as "The Ancient of Days" above, the frontispiece to Europe: a Prophecy) are actually prints made from copper plates, which he etched in a method he claimed was revealed to him in a dream. He and his wife colored these prints with water colors. Thus each print is itself a unique work of art. As an artist Blake broke the ground that would later be cultivated by the Pre-Raphaelites. His work is for the most part done on a very small scale. His illuminated works and engravings are all only inches in size, yet they are meticulous in detail. And each of them is, in a sense, merely a part of a titanic whole. A special note for students: Since we began The William Blake Page in 1994, we have received hundreds of emails from students asking (sometimes demanding in very rude language) that we provide literary criticism on our site or else personally write back with an analysis of one or more poems or themes in Blake's work so that they can use it to fulfill one of their classroom assignments. On occassion these emails have been so insulting that we have considered closing the site. The William Blake Page is NOT intended to replace the library. The Internet is a great place to research where to buy your next car or what they are wearing this year in Paris. But it not the best place to find literary criticism. For one thing anyone can post anything here, without benefit of editors or any other kind of check or balance to maintain reasonable accuracy.

Thursday, July 18, 2019

Language and Intimacy

Kanye East 03/15/2013 English Language and Intimacy Language defines the type of person we are. It has an affect on our choices as well as our lifestyle. Depending on friends, family, and others we talk to, our choice on language tends to vary. Our decisions in life, sometimes, are influenced by the language we use and our surroundings. Language has become a way of seeing life in a different perspective. But can language effect intimacy? Family intimacy to be exact. Richard Rodriguez, a writer and public speaker, expertly illustrates his own experience with this in his autobiography, Hunger of Memory.Rodriguez’s childhood was particularly unique given the fact that while he was born and raised in the United States, he was strongly influenced in the ethnic environment of a Spanish family. Although the reader is introduced to only a short excerpt from the autobiography, he learns a great deal about Rodriguez’s family and his relationship to it, his conflict of speaking    English versus Spanish, and the paradox that became evident as he used English as his primary language. Since learning English, young Rodriguez noted the lack of intimacy there was in his home.Did the understanding of a new language affect the very close family? While I read this autobiography, there were tons of ideas that struck me. It was very interesting because so many of the different parts could relate to my life. Being born and raised in America, English was automatically my first language. Nevertheless, my parents were keen on making me and my siblings learn their native tongue, my fathers Yemeni culture and my mothers Turkish culture and most importantly, our religion. As soon as they can, my parents enrolled me and my siblings in Arabic school and Islamic studies.There we learned how to read, write and fluently speak Arabic and also memorize and study the Holy Quran. At home, my mother schooled us on the Turkish language. The essence of my childhood was of culture and language but as me and my siblings got older, the language faded. Our once perfectly spoken Turkish and Arabic, broken. I couldn’t deny the fact that my Arabic was not as strong as before but it became the most evident to me when my grandparents came over from overseas. They only came one time before, when I was younger and knew the language of their tongue.The news of them coming to our house from Yemen brought me to the basement, going through stacks of old coloring books and photos desperately looking for my old Arabic books. Remembering the pages and pages of Arabic greetings and phrases, I looked even harder. After finally finding it at the bottom and a hidden stack of books, I sat. The rush of nostalgia came back but when I opened my mouth to read, it was a stuttered mess. The words I once read so fluently were now what seemed a calligraphy of memory. At this point, I knew the book wasn’t going to do much for me.Practicing the phrases I already knew, and said occ asionally, I found more and more ways to make them sound like their not all I know. Ignoring the fact that they were. The day came and by this point I wanted to get the humiliation and disappointment over with. As I walked downstairs to greet them, familiar voices and smells of incents filled the air. Their smiles and hugs erased all the worry. And as we sat there listening to them laugh and reminisce with my father, me and my siblings all joined in on the conversation.With the language of intimacy. This autobiography triggered many thoughts on language and intimacy. Of all possible human qualities, the one that wields the most power is the ability to use, understand and communicate effectively through language. A proficient use of language allows us to clearly communicate an exact idea from one person to another person or group of people. This precise science of being able to convey exactly what you want equates to the acquisition of power. As strong and powerful as language is, It didn’t affect intimacy.